February 7, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 4th
Platform: PC
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 2/10

This was rejected by lawyers so Blizz went with craft instead
Cocaine, heroin, alcohol, WoW, chocolate, cigarettes, meth, porn.  All of these are things people are likely to get addicted to.  I've been away from WoW for a year now.  Then I got the itch.

I wanted to start a new character to see the new stuff they added in the game but I know this game and I don't like the time it takes away from me.  I'm on a 10 day trial for now, we'll see if I reactivate after that.  I started playing (after a 10GB+ install) and made a new character right away.  I was sad to see all my old characters had been stripped naked and no longer had any items or gold.  It seems I was hacked while I was away. I have an authenticator now so I shouldn't have this problem again.

I made a Troll priest and reached level 5.  I spent most of my time fiddling and fine-tuning addons so that was boring as hell.  I then played the first few quests in the initial area.  One thing that surprised me was the improved graphics.  I didn't realize they had updated the water and lighting that much.  It still doesn't look as good as anything from the last 5 years but it sure looks better than when I played.

We'll see if I keep playing or not, so far, it's the same old shit and I've had enough for one lifetime.