February 18, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 16th, 18th and 20th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 160 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

You're blind motherfucker!
I was pretty good today.  I got some good games on Firing Range, Summit and Array.  It seems I do better when I play slow and don't sprint but when I get killed a lot, I tend to sprint so that I can get kills faster but it just ends up getting me killed.

I've also started using the counter-spy plane instead of the sentry gun.  I love the sentry gun but I don't like having to wait for a crate.  Counter-spy planes don't get anyone any kills but it does somewhat blind enemies and since I don't use a suppressor, it helps me be a bit more invisible.  The best combination for me is to summon the attack helicopter and call in the counter-spy plane that way they can't shoot down the chopper right away.  The only problem is that the counter-spy plane is easy to shoot down.

I also played a few games on the 18th and 20th but I didn't have time to play too much.  I did try out the Mortar Strike killstreak but I didn't like it at all.  It's cool in concept but it seemed difficult to get kills with.