February 23, 2011

World of Warcraft

Date played: February 22nd
Platform: PC
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Add tusks and some orange hair and this is my priest.
Well, today I spent some time farming herbs in Durotar and Northern Barrens to level up Inscription. After I started shopping for glyphs, I was floored by the exorbitant prices these things go for these days so I decided to make them myself and/or make enough money from it to afford to buy the glyphs I can't make yet.  It also seemed to have a cool mechanic where you must mill ingredients from plants, similar to what has been done for Jewel Crafting.

I managed to reach level 104 in Inscription and put up a few high demand glyphs on the AH.  I hope they sell.....

I also ran SM Graveyard and Gnomeregan and looted a nice pair of boots in Gnomer and reached level 30.  I did buy Dual-Spec but I don't really see the point right now.  I selected Disc just to see what it's like but after spending the points, I feel like I won't like it.  It seems to rely a bit too much on shields and smite.  I guess I could build a shadow spec to DPS every once in a while but since I just do dungeons, I would rather just play Holy.