February 15, 2011

Kirby's Epic Yarn

Date played: February 14th
Platform: Wii
Time played: 30 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Not so cute anymore!
Well, we did a few challenges and that was it today.  The main reason was that there was one challenge where my girlfriend and I would be transformed into the side-scrolling cloud shooter thingy and had to kill like 70 enemies in 1:10 min.  Sounds easy enough but it was incredibly difficult.  The main reason is that if we got hit once, we lost 5 seconds on the timer and would not have enough time to kill the last couple of bees.

Seriously, it must have taken us a dozen tries before we got a perfect run.  It was frustrating but also a lot of fun. We really had to coordinate and assign each other certain areas of the screen to shoot things so we wouldn't bump each other off and would still have time to kill everything.

We also did 2 or 3 other challenges.  Now we are done with all the challenges we had unlocked and we're moving on to the next stage.