February 25, 2011

Call of Duty Black Ops

Date played: February 24th and 25th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 50 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Marathon user.
Same as usual here.  I played about four games of TDM.  I got frustrated in one of the matches because the other team was mostly using SMG's and running around wildly on Summit.  This made it difficult for me to get a lot of kills with my trusty M60 so I decided to go with the Stakeout after dying three or four times in a row.

That worked wonders against the little fuckers.  I don't like using it too often because it's limited in it's effectiveness but it can help against Marathon runnin', aK74u wieldin', hip-firin' children.

I also had a few good matches on WMD and Nuketown respectively.  WMD is great for someone like me who uses the M60 at mid range and Nuketown.... well I guess I got a bit lucky in Nuketown.