February 7, 2011

Dead Space 2

Date played: February 6th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Well, this game is getting fucking weird.  In one sitting, I had an epic fight with a giant monster, I saw a woman cradle a necromorph baby until it exploded in her face and I fought child and toddler necromorphs in a school gymnasium.

He looks like his daddy!
I also ran into more of those velociraptor like monsters and got my hands on a few new guns.  The Ripper is a gun that shoots giant saw blades.  It also has a function where it almost acts like a chainsaw where a blade rotates and hovers in the air in front of Isaac, chopping down anything that comes within reach.  Then there is the Detonator which shoots out proximity mines.  I'm liking that one a lot.  I also got the Flamethrower but I haven't had a chance to try it.

The best new weapon is the Seeker which is basically a sniper rifle.  It came in handy in a few fights but is pretty tough to use up close.  I'm starting to struggle when choosing which weapon to take with me.  I think I need something like Plasma Cutter, heavy weapon, short range weapon, long range weapon.  I was thinking of Plasma Cutter, Mines, Ripper, Seeker but I really like the Line gun too.  I'm up to Chapter 7 now.