July 15, 2015

The Wolf Among Us

Date played: July 14th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed episode 4 of The Wolf Among Us, and the mystery is getting clearer and clearer with every conversation. Bigby continues his investigation. He begins by having a conversation with Beauty and Beast and discovers two locations that could yield information on the Crooked Man and his operation; a pawn shop and a butcher shop.

The Pawn Shop seemed like the better option to me, so I went there first. The place is run by the Jersey Devil, portrayed as a sleazy gangster. I found that the Woodsman's axe had been used by Bloody Mary and that it had gone through the pawn shop. When the Jersey Devil showed up though, I ended up having a brawl with him. His true form is terrifying, he turns into a bony creature with lots of physical strength and some antlers... I got a bit of info from him, but nothing very useful.

I then visited the butcher shop and found a secret room where Ichabod had been held prisoner and where Bloody Mary and the Tweedles operated. The bad guys were tipped off by the butcher though, so when I entered the hideout, it was deserted. I still found a lot of good clues, including the last piece of the mirror.

The Crooked Man
Back in the business office, we fixed the mirror and found a way to reach the Crooked Man's lair. The door to his hideout actually moves periodically thanks to a powerful spell, but Bigby made it to the door in time and entered the lair. Tiny Tim welcomed him and showed him the way to the Crooked Man's office. When I entered, I was greeted by the Tweedles, Georgie and his manager and the Crooked Man himself. I lit a cigarette and the episode ended! I can't wait to see what happens next!