July 21, 2015

Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition

Date played: July 20th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 8/10

Guacamelee is a really solid game. While the exploration elements are similar to games like Metroid, it's tight as nails platforming and combat makes it feel a bit different. The platforming can be very challenging, but always remains fun.
Combat is really fun in Guacamelee!

I played through a large sector as I chased down the evil cowboy dude with a flaming head. Along the way, I picked up a new dash attack that is useful in combat, can help me jump further and smashes blue walls. After dozens of challenging rooms, I made it to the boss battle against the flaming cowboy. He wasn't very difficult, but I had to remain careful throughout the fight. After I killed him, I scored a new upgrade, the incredible Goat Climb, which lets me run up walls at will. It's amazing... After a brief visit to town, I made my way to the next area to save my damsel in distress, a snowy mountain range.