July 6, 2015


Date played: July 5th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10

Nidhogg is INCREDIBLE!

With two of my brothers, I played a whole bunch of Nidhogg. At first glance, it looks like a 2D, one on one fencing game, but really, it's a giant foot race! The characters can run, jump, roll, throw their swords, punch, rip hearts out of each other and of course, fence. There are three positions for the sword, low, medium and high. One player must run to the left of the screen and the other to the right. Whoever got the last kill gets to move forward.

The game is blindingly fast and requires strategy, speed and technical skill. Thankfully, all three of us were really close in skill, so battles were fucking intense! Some of them were short sprints lasting less than 30 seconds, others were epic struggles lasting more than 10 minutes. There are 4 maps. The best is clearly the Castle. It features fast platforming, a few doors that limit movement and sword throws and a really good song. Clouds is fun too, featuring platforms that disappear when touched. Wilds has a really cool gimmick where some tall grass hides the player's movement. Finally, there's Mines which has some conveyor belts that add pressure to the combat.

It was amazing that each of us ended up with a bit of a specialty. My youngest brother was a master of close quarters, sword-less combat, ripping out hearts left and right, leaving a bloody mess behind. My third brother became quite a marksman by throwing swords at great distances with impeccable aim. Finally, I became pretty damn good at fencing and being patient, forcing my opponent to make the first move. All in all, Nidhogg is one of the most fun I've had with a video game in recent years. It's right up there with Towerfall for competitive couch multiplayer. I can't wait to play it again!