July 19, 2015

Rayman Legends

Date played: July 18th
Platform: Xbox One
Session fun rating: 10/10

Rayman Legends is truly an incredible game. It's very difficult at times, but it never feels unfair. The level design is the real reason this game works as well as it does. Sure, the hand drawn animation is incredible and the music is charming as hell, but it's the tightness of the level design that holds everything together. Some of the better levels are those with time limits, turning the game into a race against time. These levels are very short, usually less than 40 seconds to get through, but they require intense precision, memorization and skill. Plus, my daughter loves watching me play Rayman, mainly because she likes when I use the female characters... In fact, I don't think I've played as Rayman once.

Rayman Legends is fucking brilliant
I played through the remainder of the water world. Swimming is actually great in this game, which is surprising since every fucking water level in every other game is generally shit. There was a really cool boss, a giant mechanical dragon that shoots lasers. Some levels featured some strange enemies that clump together on the floor and try to eat my character, moving as a swarm, almost like a wave. In a spectacular show of light, I can neutralize them by shoving explosive fireworks in their faces, but sometimes I just had to run. There was another music level too, based on the song Woo Hoo, made popular by Kill Bill.

The next world is a very nice change of pace since I had played a lot of water based levels... It has kind of an ancient Greece theme with lots of statues and stony hills. I didn't play many levels in it, but so far, it's been just as brilliant as the rest of this game.