July 18, 2015

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

Date played: July 17th
Platform: 3DS
Session fun rating: 9/10

I finally got back into Majora's Mask 3D and completed the first dungeon. After the troubling events of the first 3 day cycle, I rewound time to the beginning, armed with my musical instrument and Deku mask. I spoke to the mask guy and he showed me a song how to turn back into a human from the Deku form.

This allowed me to exit the town and head to the first dungeon. To get there, I had to enter the swamp and find a way to ride a boat through it's poisonous waters. The witch who handles the boat is missing... I followed a monkey through some Lost Woods and found the witch, but she couldn't walk much because of an injury. I went back to the swamp and talked to the potion witch who gave me my first bottle and a healing potion to heal her sister. Once the witch was healed, I was able to catch a ride on her boat to the Deku Palace.

The Deku Palace is home of the Deku King and Princess. The King believes that a monkey has kidnapped the Princess, so he imprisons him and prepares to cook him in a giant cauldron. I sneaked through the Deku Palace by hovering over guards and flying from platform to platform until I reached the monkey's cage. He explained that he wasn't responsible for the missing Princess and taught me a new song that will open the way to the dungeon. I headed to the dungeon, fighting a few enemies along the way.

Odolwa is a fun boss fight
Majora's Mask has some really fucked up mechanics... At this point, I'm not quite sure what will happen if the 3 day timer runs out. I took precautions and following the scarecrow's instructions, I learned how to slow down time, how to fast forward in time and how to return to the beginning of the cycle. I saved my game, dropped my rupees in the bank (and got a new wallet!), restarted the cycle and slowed down time just before entering the dungeon.

The dungeon itself was pretty awesome and felt right like a real Zelda dungeon. I used my Deku form to hover around and hop on water. Sometimes, I would switch back to human form to fight, jump over large gaps or use the Deku sticks to light stuff on fire. Eventually, I found the bow and arrows, which I used to fight, to activate switches and to light torches on fire from a distance. There's a sort of side quest too where I had to find 15 fairies in the dungeon, which I believe will let me talk to a Great Fairy in the forest, but I was only able to find 14...

The boss was pretty cool. A giant warrior armed with swords stampedes around an arena as Link avoids his attacks and stuns him by dropping Deku seeds from above in hover form. I got my piece of heart and saved the Princess. Somehow, I ended up in the sky with a giant, super creepy creature that taught me a new song, but I'm not sure what it's for yet. The King was very happy to see his little Princess. His butler wanted to reward me, but I had to chase him through a big maze to get my prize, a new pig mask that lets me sniff things better...

Majora's Mask is really fucking weird.