July 2, 2015

Guacamelee: Super Turbo Championship Edition

Date played: July 1st
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

Guacamelee is a really weird game. I mean, the structure is very familiar, it's a 2D Metroidvania. What sets it apart is the Mexican setting, awesome melee combat, bright visuals and top notch humor. It's also very fast and progress comes quickly. I gained a bunch of new abilities along the way.

My luchador now has a wall jump and double jump, which makes things a lot more interesting. I have a horizontal, upwards and downwards special attack. I have a new Intenso meter that grants the hero a giant power boost when activated. There's also the insanely funny Pollo Power that turns him into a chicken. Yep. The only real advantage of the chicken is to go through small passages. I've also upgraded many of my moves to deal more damage. Finally, the coolest power allows me to switch between the world of the dead and the world of the living on the fly, instead of having to hit the special spots.

This boss was amazing!
This allows the game to add some really intense, fucking cool platforming challenges. In some segments, I literally had to double jump into a wall, then wall jump into emptiness, then swap worlds a tenth of the second later to land into another wall jump, then on and on through spikes, narrow passages and enemies. It was actually very satisfying on a technical level, something that is pretty rare in this genre.

I made solid progress, though the story isn't really important here. I fought a few bosses, talked to many villagers, learned more about the characters, both good and bad and explored a forest and a desert. Guacamelee is pretty damn cool.