Date played: July 12th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 10/10
The Wolf Among Us just keeps getting better and better as Bigby continues his investigation of the two murdered prostitutes. I've made my way through to the end of Chapter 3 and have made many shocking discoveries.
After talking to some folks at the Business Office and the Trip Trap bar, Bigby felt that he should visit a local strip bar where both Lily and Faith are working. The place is run by a scumbag named Georgie. A naked woman dances on the stage as Bigby confronts the owner to get information on the girls. I smashed up parts of his bar to get him to talk and eventually ended up chatting with one of the strippers, who turned out to be none other than the Little Mermaid herself.
As with many of the other key characters in the game, she utters the words "My lips are sealed." when she is questioned about the murders. However, I was still able to gather that Lily had met with a "customer" at a nearby hotel. When I got to the hotel, I was surprised to see Beauty manning the front desk. The place was a complete fucking shit hole, clearly meant for whores, criminals and junkies. She helped me find my way to the room Lily had stayed in, but just as we were about to enter the room, Beast showed up, thinking that Bigby and Beast were fuck friends. This quickly led to a fist fight between the two males. During the struggle, they broke down the door to the room used by Lily and found a a blood soaked bed...
Bigby investigates the room and finds out that the murderer had a fetish for Snow White, having the hooker use a Snow Glamour. He also made her eat a bite out of an apple, wear a Snow White outfit and lay down in a bed of flowers. Then, there was a photo of the victim with Ichabod Crane's hand up her skirt!
Bigby wanted to tell Snow about his discovery, so he went to meet her at Lily's funeral under the Manhattan Bridge. During the ceremony, the Tweedle brothers showed up and forcefully requested that Bigby leave Ichabod out of it. This led to a confrontation where three fables were injured by shotgun wounds.
We chased after Ichabod, who broke the magic mirror and was a prime suspect in the murder investigation. This led Bigby to the Tweedle's office to find clues. These two idiots hired a little man called Fly Catcher as a janitor. After some sweet talking, Fly let me examine their office and even led me to a secret door. That's where I discovered that the Tweedle brothers were acting as mules for illegal goods and sorcery. It's also how I found out about Auntie Greenleaf, the witch who was making some illegal glamours for the fables.
I gave her a brief visit with Auntie Greenleaf to find Ichabod. He wasn't there, but I chose to let her continue her illegal glamour business, even though Snow was very much opposed to that. Following a set of clues, we went back to the strip club and found Ichabod harassing a girl for information. After slapping him in the face, it became clear that while Ichabod had some really weird sex fetishes involving his secretary, he wasn't the killer. We still arrested him for all the corruption and weird shit, but he's not the murderer.
Tweedledee, Tweedledum and Bloody Mary |
As we exited the club, Ichabod in custody, we were ambushed by the Tweedle brothers. Unfortunately, they weren't alone. Bloody Mary was with them, armed with a revolver. They wanted us to turn over Ichabod for their boss, the Crooked Man. Bigby got real angry and turned into his true form, literally a big bad wolf. He assaulted the brothers, but I chose to let them live. Bloody Mary put a silver bullet in her gun and shot Bigby, the silver ammo putting him down firmly. She then broke his arm and took Ichabod...