December 8, 2013


Date played: December 7th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 10/10

I obliterated my high score, more than doubling my previous best. I tried the other two ships too. The first one is agile, but it's fire power was lacking and I really don't think I'll use it again. The third ship is a lot better. It's a bit on the slow side, but it's weapons are really strong, though I was still more successful with the default ship.

Fucking shit up.
I'm proud to say that I managed to save all the humans in the first level, but unfortunately, I wasn't good enough to kill the boss yet. I'm thinking I might try to keep my distance a bit more and maybe even boost around the map to reach the other side of it instead of trying to go over or under. I'm getting better though, that's for sure.