December 9, 2013

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Date played: December 8th
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

We are ready to sail!
The game is starting to get it's legs now. I infiltrated the Governor's grounds in a really cool stealth mission. It kind of reminded me of Tenchu, one of my favorite stealth games of the 32 bit era. At night, Edward stalked and stabbed countless guards by dragging them into tall grass or simply stabbing them in the back. Unfortunately, I was discovered as I was about to reach the sage. I was then thrown into a slave ship by the Governor and his mates.

On the slave ship, I was chained with a large African man and we managed to escape our restraints, retrieve our killing tools and murdering everyone aboard the ship and freeing a bunch of other slaves who promised to join our crew. There was some interesting platforming between the different ships in the fleet, including rope swinging. We managed to steal one of the smaller ships and escape our pursuers amidst a raging hurricane, complete with menacing waterspouts and killer waves. Even though she's mangled up, we have a ship and can now start pirating as we see fit.