December 22, 2013

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Date played: December 21st
Platform: PS4
Session fun rating: 9/10

I made it to Nassau, the pirating capital of the world. It's a small town with one British fort still standing. There's a ton of swampy areas, woods and beaches here with a small village filled with flimsy housing, grog and wenches. I bought myself some really nice pistols as an upgrade to my crappy ones.
Nassau is an interesting town

I spent all my time getting collectibles, synchronizing view points and completing a few assassination missions. I also fought a couple of crocodiles, a few boars and even killed a rabbit. I got tons of new shanty's, songs for my crew. Some of these were pretty tough to catch as they fly away pretty damn quickly sometimes. Nassau is a beautiful town, even if it's full of criminals. I've completed all of it though, so now all I have left here are missions.