December 25, 2013

Pikmin 3

Date played: December 25th
Platform: Wii U
Session fun rating: 9/10

I finished Pikmin 3!

This was one of the better games I've played this year. It's charming, deep, fun and pretty challenging. The last level was a real gauntlet, but I was close enough to the end that my time with the game was mostly about fighting the final boss. The golden gelatinous blob of death had all sorts of tricks up it's sleeves. In the end, we had to whittle down it's health by damaging it, then destroying the debris it spit out in pain. It would periodically send out cubes similar to what I fought in the level where I had to use the right type of Pikmin to continue.
Pikmin 3 was amazing!

While the concept was pretty simple, the battle was really hectic, so it made it quite challenging. I spent two whole days in battle, losing about 100 Pikmin altogether before it went down and let Olimar out. The little bugger was nice enough to give us the cosmic key as a reward for our efforts. My three heroes, along with Olimar and Louie, made their way to the spaceship and flew off into the depths of space, leaving the loyal Pikmin to their own devices.

My daughter was VERY sad at the idea that the Pikmin were abandoned and cried quite a bit. She was also pretty sad that the game was over, but I reassured her that I would be glad to play it again with her if she wanted. There's also the mission mode which sounds pretty cool, so I might try that next time she feels like seeing the little plant-men in action.