March 7, 2013


Date played: March 6th
Platform: PC
Session fun rating: 7/10

Ok, I'm getting a better handle on things, though I suspect some of my problems have been caused by the incredible server issues. I still haven't done the tutorial, but it's because I was unable to do anything when I launched it. No buttons were clickable, no advisors were talking to me, hell, I didn't even see any residents moving. Total fucking ghost town.

I abandoned my first city as I soon realized I was better off with a fresh start. My second city is boring as fuck but it ran pretty smoothly. I assigned the west side of the land to residences, the center area for shopping and the east side to my dump, sewage and industries. And I put dirt roads just to piss off the workers.

I had a few small fires that were contained by my overcompensating crew of 4 fire trucks. City hall is big and I have a mayor's house now but outside of that, I just have a few parks. No real industries, no real interesting things. But it's functional.