October 11, 2011


Date played: October 10th
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

Outland went on sale for 5$ on XBLA a few weeks ago and because I had enjoyed the demo, I bought it but didn't play it until yesterday.  While the first 15 minutes were quite boring since I had already played them in the demo, everything else was interesting.  The game is simple to play, it's a 2D side scrolling game in the vein of Super Metroid or Castlevania Symphony of the Night, but a bit more streamlined than those two epics.

There is also an Ikaruga vibe as the main character can change between light and dark polarity.  When light, he is immune to light damage and can damage dark creatures and when dark, he is immune to dark damage and can damage light creatures.  It makes for some interesting platforming and fighting, changing polarity on the fly and even mid jump.

Of what I played, nothing really stood out except the boss battle.  I fought little ants, big ants, flying jelly fish, burrowing rodents and explosive beasts that stick close to the ground.  I activated lifts, completed dangerous jumps and avoided "bullets".  There is an upgrade mechanic also.  It's simple and it works, at least so far.

The golem is a great first boss
Then I got to the boss.  He is an amazing looking golem that shook the ground with deadly shock waves and launched cocoons to a tree who would spawn beetle like creatures.  It was a simple fight and I beat him on my first try but it was fun and pretty.  I will definitely keep playing this game.