October 9, 2011

NHL 12

It's cool to have the junior teams in NHL 12
Date played: October 7th
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

A good friend came over to visit on Friday so we played some NHL 12 for a good part of the evening.  There are a lot of little improvements I hadn't noticed the other times I've played.  The animations are better, the cut scenes are less choppy, there are goalie interference calls, delay of game calls and you can even check a player into the bench area!

It's all in the little things for a game like this.  We played a lot of games with different teams, random teams and even played on that had the Ottawa 67's and the Gatineau Olympiques going at it!  We traded wins for a while but the last few games, he beat me more than I beat him.