October 2, 2011

EVE Online

Date played: October 1st
Platform: PC
Time played: 90 minutes
Session fun rating: 5/10

I had a problem when playing EVE last night...  One of the missions I was given by the tutorial agent requires that I deliver a shuttle somewhere but the problem is that I don't have a ship with enough cargo to carry it.  I thought, no problem, I'll just buy an industrial ship like the Iteron.  I buy the skill from the market and SURPRISE, that skill can't be trained by trial accounts.  Well, good thing I didn't buy the ship itself...
My Caldari shuttle in all it's speedy glory!

Then my friend came over to visit and gave me a bunch of ammo he made and two ships, a weird exploration ship and a shuttle.  The shuttle came in very handy as it travels very quickly and is good to just get from one place to another.  I then started the business tutorial missions and they were all about things I had already learned so it went pretty quickly.  I'm 7 missions in with only 3 to go.  Oh yes, I also think Salvaging will be quite useful, even as a very secondary ability, it allows me to get materials and such from wrecks.  It's cool because I can have a salvaging turret on my Tristan without sacrificing fire power.