October 2, 2011

Battlefield 3 beta

Date played: September 30th and October 1st
Platform: Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

I tried out the Battlefield 3 beta on my Xbox just to see if there were any big differences.  Turns out, it was pretty much the exact same thing so I went back to my PS3 because I prefer the controller.  My brother came over and we took turns playing a round each.  I unlocked a new gun, I think it's M249 or something?  Anyway, it really fits my style and I've been able to have a few rampaging moments with it.  I even took out an entire squad by flanking them, it was pretty amazing!

Operation Métro is a good map
My brother seemed to gravitate towards sniping and he's good at it too!  He made some fantastic headshots at long distances.  He seems to like it a lot and we were both COD heads for years.  I think we'll be switching over to Battlefield this year though.  Modern Warfare 3 doesn't seem to have anything new and well...we've played that game together since World At War so we're kind of done with it, I think.

The next day, we played together from our own houses and while it was quite fun, there was one unforgivable flaw which, thankfully, should be fixed in the full release.  We couldn't talk to each other.  That is a cardinal sin of online gaming.

We still had fun playing together but we couldn't really coordinate our efforts too well.  We also played one match against each other!  I was a fucking mass murderer in that match.  I got off to a good start, getting 7 kills before dying.  I killed my brother a few times after that, usually from mid range where he was trying to snipe me but I was able to spot him and peck at him with my LMG.  He redeemed himself by humiliating me, all it took was a knifing from behind.   Cocksucker.  :-)

I cannot wait for this game to come out, the more I play it the more I like it.