October 26, 2011

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

Date played: October 25th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I played a mission where I had to blow up a drone birthing train and defeat the incoming enemies.  While that doesn't sound that hard, there are things I didn't know the first TWO times I played it.  First, I put my team out and sent the engineer to set the three charges required to blow up the train.  That went well except that I didn't know that all my characters had to be at least one square away from the train for it to blow.  Now that would not have been a problem except that I set down a turret on a space adjacent to the train and thus, could not blow it up until I picked up the turret.  Since my engineer was so far away, I was overrun by robotic drones that spawn from the train every few turns.

The second attempt was better.  I didn't set down a turret and I was a bit more meticulous but when I blew up the train, a horde of enemies spawned near my sniper and killed him very quickly, failing the mission once more.

Maybe The Escapist was right all along
The third time, I had this shit down.  I knew exactly what to do and where to put my troops.  As I was clearly about to win the match, the fucking battery died on my damned 3DS.  I thought, hey no problem, I'll just plug it in right?  The thing is, I'm in a foreign country right now and I had not tested my power converter yet.  Guess what?  It doesn't fucking work.  So here I am, about to finish the mission and I can't charge my console and I won't be able to play it for the rest of the trip.

Long live PC gaming?