October 4, 2011

EVE Online

Date played: October 3rd
Platform: Playstation 3
Time played: 140 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Me and my buddy tried something new last night!  I grabbed my Tristan, he grabbed his new cruiser and we headed out to 0.5 space to explore asteroid belts.  We didn't really know what we were looking for but we found things, that's for sure.  He was equipped with mining lasers, a salvaging unit and scanners.  I had two rail guns, two rocket launchers, my probe and some defenses.
That little speck in the middle?  That's me.  I might be small but I'm agile and have decent firepower...I think.

There was a lot of empty asteroid belt roaming but we found quite a few pirates.  I shot them and didn't really have any problems.  I then looted them and my friend salvaged them.  It was cool moving around together and exploring!  In one sector, we hit the jackpot.  We found a bunch of blue wrecks which meant we were able to loot them.  I think one guy was mining and decided to leave his loot.

Honestly, just going out and doing stuff was really fun and motivating.