October 17, 2011

Dead or Alive Dimensions

Date played: October 16th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 6/10

I'm going on a month long trip at the end of the week and thought it would be a great time to get a new handheld game.  I went with Dead or Alive Dimensions.  I like DOA, I like my 3DS and there aren't a lot of good games for it so this seemed like a natural choice.

I started playing Chronicle mode which seems to be the main single player mode.  I was expecting a regular arcade mode of some sort but what I received shocked me.  This is a full on story mode that incorporates tutorials.  It won't even let me choose a character to play since this is all story based.  The mode is VERY Japanese to say the least.  Too much exposition, lots of panty shots and many overly dramatic conversations. I played less than I watched...

The graphics prove that the 3DS has a lot of untapped power
The actual combat is really good though.  The controls are responsive, the frame rate is tight and it's still as fun as ever.  What I like about DOA is that it's very fast paced but still easily approachable.  I even tried an online match and won it!  That was a lot of fun but there was noticeable lag, I hope it's not a problem with all matches.  I think DOA Dimensions will make a good travel partner!