October 26, 2011

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light

Date played: October 26th
Platform: PC
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I finished Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and what a great finish it was!  I played the last real level where I had to explore a fiery area and fight three gigantic monsters with shields, even bigger than the ones before.  It was actually a bit of a challenge but my rocket launcher, minigun and bombs made short work of them.  The only part that sucked is that for the first time, my PC chugged just a little bit in that level.  I think it was because of the massive amounts of fire, lava and embers all around the place.

Then I fought the last boss, a weirdo with a tiki mask, a skirt and a green aura.  It was actually a really cool fight.  He would attack me from afar while I was stuck in a few different death trap areas, fending off smaller enemies and attacking him whenever I could.  In the last level, I unlocked the Golden Shotgun and boy, does that bitch hurt!  It killed any enemy I saw in one shot up close and took off more than half the bosses health per round.  I did switch to the minigun with smaller enemies since it's faster but the shotgun was a life saver.  I avoided spikes, spiders, explosive eggs, balls of lava and killed the big fuck.

Now that bitch is dead and the stupid mirror is back in it's place.
Surprisingly, the plot involved returning a mirror to a pedestal, something I had forgotten long ago.  Either way, great game that was overlooked by most.  I truly enjoyed it and hope to see more games like it, Lara Croft or not.