June 7, 2017

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Date played: June 5th
Platform: Switch

It seems my obsession with cooking continues... I spent a good amount of time just crafting recipes and selling my best meals. I then spent a bit of this money buying a helmet and some arrows, then went to upgrade the helmet at the Fairy Fountain. I also spent some time recoloring my different outfits...

After all this, I thought I should try to explore a little bit, and a lot of people had been talking to me about Mount Lanayru, a large mountain on the eastern side of the map. It turns out, I probably approached this whole thing the wrong way. I underestimated the distance of the mountain I think.

I came in from the south, near Hateno Lab, thinking I could climb my way to the mountain. It kind of worked, but the problem is that it's really cold up there, so I had to eat cold resistance food to even progress. I fought some new enemies, some ice lizard men. They are pretty damn tough, but I'm getting a lot better at combat now and rarely get hit by normal enemies. At least for now...

After a while, I figured out that I wasn't gonna make it all the way to Lanayru without some cold resistance armor, but there was a shrine nearby, so I went there to add a fast travel point, do a fun puzzle and get an orb. I got the fast travel and the orb, but unfortunately, I didn't get a fun puzzle... This whole shrine was just a fucking treasure chest! At least it was a good one, it contained some great climbing boots.
Exploring the world is a lot of fun

I fast travelled back to Kakariko village and decided to head towards some of the markers I had placed much earlier in the game. I ended up at another shrine, but this one was a lot cooler. The Sunken Scoop shrine required that I use my magnet power to grab a large metal scoop at the bottom of a basin, then use it to scoop up some metal balls and drop them into a bucket. The second room was a bit more complicated, as I had to drop a ball on top of a cage, then let the scoop sink to the bottom of the basin to activate a switch that would open the cage, letting the ball drop. No treasure here, but a great little shrine.

I explored a little bit along the way, gathering materials and trying to improve my knowledge of the land. My horse was very helpful here, and I even practiced fighting on horseback, which works WAY better than in previous Zelda games, such as Twilight Princess.