June 28, 2017

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Date played: June 26th
Platform: Switch

I played 8 online races with my friend against some AI opponents. We did two sets of 4 tracks and of course, I won, but I had a few tough battles against my friend. One of the more exciting races was on the candy themed track. I got struck by lightning just as I was going through the massive jump pad, which led to a huge loss of time.
I roar through corners as Lakitu and my friend chases me as Yoshi
My friend caught up with me in the most fun corner of the track, and even passed me when I hit a banana peel. Unfortunately for my opponent, a blue shell was on it's way, ending their hopes of victory. It was a great moment.

I actually lost one race legit. My friend was fearsome, and with a dash of luck, was able to overcome inexperience and beat me fair and square. I love racing against a friend, and it's even better when the race is close!