June 18, 2017

Lego Jurassic World

Date played: June 18th
Platform: PS4

With the weather a little rough today and nothing special on the agenda, I figured it would be a good time to play a video game with my 7 year old daughter. I asked her what she wanted to play, and after a bit of discussion, she settled on Lego Jurassic World, which we haven't played in over a year.

I convinced her to play with me in split screen by telling her I would protect her from any bad guys. We ended up playing through all the levels of the second movie and the first level of the third movie. The Lost World has lots of great scenes for a video game. The best moment was when the baby T-Rex is wounded in the mobile operations center and the mother comes to get her young back.

The screen split had me controlling Ian Malcolm, hanging from a rope and dodging debris, while my daughter was at the top, just outside the vehicle. She had to fight off a few small dinos, then attach the winch from the truck to the dangling vehicle. She then had to get in the car and pull, balancing the power in the center by tilting the joystick. She did great!

Another good scene was when a T-Rex chased us in the woods, or when we had to break some glass by making Malcolm's teenage daughter scream like an opera singer. Fighting off Raptors in a small building was another great moment. These games are pretty simple, but the fun of using Lego pieces to solve puzzles, the funny cut-scenes and the great animations make it lots of fun to play with the family.