June 23, 2017

Day of the Tentacle Remastered

Date played: June 22nd
Platform: PS4

I finished Day of the Tentacle Remastered! It turns out, I was really close to the end, all I really needed was to have that contract signed by Dr. Fred and sent to Hoagie for him to mail it from the past. Getting the signature was a pain in the ass though, since I had to find the exact line of dialogue that would convince Dr. Fred to sign.

Still, I got it signed and sent it to Hoagie, who mailed it to future Dr. Fred from the past. The contract resulted in 2 million dollars deposited into Dr. Fred's Swiss bank account. When he learns the news, he promptly contacts a travel agency, but he'll never get a chance to go on the trip... Instead, I got Bernard to order a diamond via telephone shopping.

We installed the crystal into the time machine and the two teenagers, stranded in time, are brought back to the present. Purple tentacle has been hard at work though, sending copies of himself back in time. He had enough for an entire army even! Our three heroes got the brilliant idea of going back in time once again, to yesterday. They can switch off the sewage pump and prevent the tentacles from ever gaining sentience.

Some of the tentacles from the army had already gone back in time with two of our machines, so we only had one left. The three teens got in together, against Dr. Fred's warnings which were based on the movie The Fly.When the kids came out on the other side, their bodies were fused together! They still had their own heads, but the torso was Hoagie's, the midsection was Laverne's and the legs were Bernard's. That didn't deter them at all, so they tried to find their way to the pump in the basement.

Purple Tentacle somehow managed to create a shrink ray during his travels through time, and he chased us with it for a while. After a bit of chasing around and getting shrunk a few times, we picked up a bowling ball and went to the basement. We used the bowling ball to knock out some tentacles and deactivated the pump near a tied up Dr. Fred.

The final scene
Purple Tentacle did not like that at all, so he shrunk us, then turned on the pump again. I had to find a different way. After lots of funny conversation with Purple Tentacle, I convinced him to use the shrink ray on Dr. Fred, which then reflected off the stethoscope he wears on his forehead and hit Purple Tentacle himself!

The teenagers squished the bad guy under their feet and the future was saved! Also, it turns out their bodies were not fused together, but that they had simply been tangled together inside their clothes... Day of the Tentacle was funny, cute and full of absurdity. However, some of the puzzles are just too obscure, and it would have been better with some sort of hint system. Instead, I had to rely on FAQ's and walkthroughs a little too often.