December 29, 2016

Pokemon Moon

Date played: December 27th
Platform: 3DS

I played a bit more Pokemon with my daughter again and we had a great time. We made our way to the game's first big city, though it's name escapes me. We battled 4 trainers at the trainer school, which went well. We then changed our clothes in town.

We spent a good amount of time just fighting in tall grass near the the city. My team is starting to have a few standout members. Popplio is obviously still my main fighter, but Grubbin is starting to make some room for himself on there. He's a ground/insect type that looks like horned beetle a little bit. I like him because he looks cool, and he's got some fun attacks. He also looks like he's gonna have interesting evolutions, but we'll see.
Grubbin is carving himself a spot on my team
The best part of playing with my daughter is when we decided to play against each other. We did a local wireless battle and I pulled no punches. We had pretty equal teams, and she knows her way around the game pretty well, so I didn't give her any chances. She won. She beat me, legitimately. I was very proud of her!