December 10, 2016

Chrono Trigger

Date played: December 7th
Platform: Vita

I raided Ozzie's fort back in 600 A.D.. Ozzie, Flea and Slash have retreated there after we defeated Magus. Since then, Magus has joined my team, but the trio is still as fierce as ever. The fort was a really small dungeon, with most of it being boss fights and hilarious dialogue from Ozzie. I picked up some very strong equipment for Magus in a hidden back room too.
Ozzie, Slash and Flea must fend for themselves now that Magus is on my team
I had to fight Slash, then Flea, then Ozzie. These individual battles were really easy. Then I had to fight them all at once! They even had dual and triple techs going. I stole lots of good stuff from them with Ayla and defeated them rather easily. After defeating Ozzie for good, I went back to Medina in 1000 A.D. and noticed that the monsters who live there are super nice now!

A large floating structure floats above the world in every era past the Dark Ages. It's called the Black Omen and it's run by the Queen of Zeal. It's ominous presence and massive size were intriguing, so I went in. That was a pretty bad idea. I fought a ton of powerful enemies, the most powerful I've seen so far. I got lots of experience from it, and I've been getting Magus new techs.

I picked up incredibly powerful equipment along the way. I reached a save point and talked to a couple of Nu people. It became apparent that this might be a way to end the game, so I decided to get out of there to complete more side quests before continuing.

Following one of the hints from Gaspar, I tried finding a ghost in 1000 A.D., but after scouring every place I could, I didn't find him. I got the King really angry by giving him jerky though, so that was pretty funny. I think there might be new islands to explore, so I'll look around some more for the ghost.