December 29, 2016


Date played: December 27th and 28th
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is McCree.

Role: Offense
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 200
Armor: 0
Shields: 0
Total: 200

Favorite quote: "I'm your huckleberry."
Favorite map to play on: Dorado

McCree is a pure-bred American cowboy. He wears a fancy cowboy hat, a sexy poncho and smokes a cigar all the time. His large belt buckle says "BAMF" for Badass Motherfucker. He's got one of the best voice actors in the game who plays a slick, suave cowboy. McCree holds his giant revolver in one hand. He also has extra ammo on his belt along with a flashbang grenade. 

  • Peacekeeper & Fan The Hammer: McCree's main weapon, the Peacekeeper, is a powerful, 6 round revolver. It deals heavy damage at close and mid-range, while still being useful at long range. It has lots of recoil. Fan The Hammer is a way to shoot out all remaining rounds from the gun's chamber at once, but with much lower accuracy. 
  • Combat Roll: McCree rolls in any direction, avoiding enemy fire and reloading his weapon instantly.
  • Flashbang grenade: A quick fire grenade that stuns enemies at close range for a a very short period. It can interrupt Ultimate abilities.
  • Ultimate - Deadeye: One of the game's hardest to pull off Ultimates. McCree moves slowly while aiming at all enemies in sight. The longer he aims, the more damage he deals. It can kill, and it can even wipe an entire team, but McCree is very vulnerable as he charges it up.
  • Similar to Widowmaker, McCree can be devastating when played by someone with great aim. His weapon hits hard as fuck and it's accurate, but aiming it isn't easy.
  • Interrupting Ultimates is one of McCree's most useful skills. For example, when Reaper uses his Death Blossom, a flashbang to the face will stop him instantly.
  • Deadeye can be very powerful when used at the right time. If it's done during a very hectic moment, and usually from a flanking position, an entire team can be wiped out. 
  • When playing behind a Reinhardt shield, or even Symmetra's and D.Va's defenses, McCree is very powerful. He usually goes kind of unnoticed and can take potshots at weak or retreating enemies.  This works particularly well against Pharah and Mercy.

  • McCree has very low mobility. If he gets cornered by a Genji, Tracer or Sombra, it can be very difficult to escape or survive.
  • The Peacekeeper is powerful, but it's really hard to aim it well. Of course, with practice, it gets better, but I don't know if I'm good enough to use it well.
  • Deadeye is a very risky proposition. It's pretty rare that I pull it off well, simply because McCree is exposed, very visible and he shouts out a loud "It's hiiiiigh noon!" comment as he activates it. While there's a lot of power behind this ability, it's also one of the most difficult Ultimates to use.
  • McCree is average in most situations. Unless you're an amazing shot, he's always going to be "good enough", but almost never the "best choice". 
McCree is a weird hero compared to the others in Overwatch. He's very traditional, kind of like Soldier 76 or Widowmaker. His saving grace is definitely the Peacekeeper pistol, which just might be the best weapon in the game. Unfortunately, that's almost all that he's good for. His stun is useful, but it has a long cooldown and very short range. His Deadeye Ultimate is powerful, but hard to pull off. His combat roll is mostly useless. Fan The Hammer is only useful against tanks at close range, or as a panic button. 

That's not to say that he's a useless hero! Far from that. In fact, in good hands, he can be very devastating, popping off headshot kills from range and picking off weak targets. His bullets hit instantly, similar to Tracer and Soldier 76, so he works great at dealing heavy damage at range. 

However, there's just too much that is hard to do with McCree. He can't escape, he needs to reload often and it's pretty tough to aim well with him. He also doesn't have anything to really help his team, he's really just a gun. Paired with Reinhardt, he can be very deadly as long as he hides behind the shield. If he's in good position, he can even protect healers in the back line, but I feel like he just needs a good player behind him to really use him well. I use McCree once in a while when we need consistent damage, but I'm never amazing with him.

Worst enemy: Genji
Best teammate: Reinhardt
Most satisfying kill: Soldier 76
Rating ★★