December 24, 2016


Date played: December 21st and 23rd
Platform: PS4

Today's hero is D.Va.

Role: Tank
Difficulty: ★★
HP: 200
Armor: 400
Shields: 0
Total: 600

Favorite quote: "Is this easy mode?"
Favorite map to play on: Lijiang Tower

D.Va is a spunky South Korean teenager. She wears a skin-tight jumpsuit decorated with vivid colors. Most of the time though, D.Va is riding her awesome mech, a large robotic exosuit armed with rapid-fire shotguns, some booster jets and a defensive matrix barrier. D.Va rides it laying down on her belly. It looks really fucking cool!

  • Fusion Cannons: Rapid-fire, rotating cannons that shoot pellets similar to a shotgun. They never need to be reloaded, but they slow down D.Va's movement when she firing. They are designed for short range combat
  • Defense Matrix: A special technology that shoots down any projectiles in front of D.Va when active. It can be turned on and off at will, but their use is governed by a recharging meter.
  • Boosters: These things launch the mech into the air for about 2 or 3 seconds. The mech can be manoeuvered quickly and it can kind of fly for a short period. It deals 50 damage when and enemy is bumped with it. Defense matrix can be activated during flight.
  • Eject: When the mech is destroyed, D.Va ejects and walks around without her suit. She is only armed with a pistol, similar to Mercy's but a bit faster.
  • Ultimate - Self-destruct: D.Va ejects from her mech and sets it to self-destruct, creating a huge explosion that will kill anything in it's line of sight. This can be used while boosting, which will carry the exploding suit further. The countdown for the explosion lasts 3 seconds.
  • D.Va is a real tank. Earlier in the game's life, she was a bit too weak, but following many balance changes, she is now a viable solo tank. Her large health pool lets her survive many attacks.
  • Defense Matrix is very powerful, sometimes even better than Reinhardt's shield. While it doesn't last as long as the shield, it will absorb every projectile, making it perfect against Bastion or big Ultimates like Pharah's or Roadhog's. 
  • Self-Destruct is kind of hard to use as a killing tool, but it's a wonderful area denial tool. Want people to stay away from the payload? Just make the mech explode on top of it! While it has many counters, it's still a great way to make some space.
  • The boosters grant D.Va excellent mobility, and great rushing potential. D.Va is the kind of hero that can bust through a defensive chokepoint and survive.

  • Zarya eats D.Va alive. Zarya's beam is not a projectile, so it goes straight through the defense matrix, forcing D.Va to retreat or die. 
  • The cannons are very difficult to use well. You really need to be right in someone's face for them to be dangerous at all.
  • Self-Destruct is a great tool, but it's a bad weapon. Most players are good enough to get out of the way rather easily, unless it's combined with other abilities like Zarya's ultimate or Mei's freezing gun.
  • When her mech goes down, D.Va can't tank anymore. She has to wait quite a long time to be able to get it again. This means that in matches where the enemy team hits hard, a second tank is usually required. 
D.Va was an off-tank for a very long time. However, when changes were made to her health and her defense matrix, she became one of the best tanks in the game. I've never played her very much, but with her new buffs, I use her once in a while. I'm not very good with her, but I am always happy to have her on my team.

D.Va is really great at pushing the defensive line, similar to how Reinhardt can bust through defenses. While her defense matrix is very powerful, it's kind of tricky to use well since it doesn't last very long. Still, it's good enough to protect her team long enough for them to do some damage.

While she's a great defensive hero, she's also very mobile. This means she can retreat back to the point quickly to defend it, or push forward to get on point past a chokepoint. She also works well when teamed up with flankers, such as Tracer, Genji, Sombra or Reaper.

To make her even scarier, just pair her up with Reinhardt. This means that together, they can stop almost everything by cycling between Reinhardt's barrier shield and D.Va's defense matrix. While her guns deal very little damage past a few meters, they still hit and never have to reload. This means that she can keep pressure on the enemy team from almost any range, simply by firing into a chokepoint or important path. She won't kill anyone, but it can scare people away relatively well.

One of my brothers is really good with D.Va, and I just love it when he uses her. D.Va is one of the best heroes in the game now, so she gets picked often and is really useful. I need practice with her, but I like playing her quite a bit.

Worst enemy: Zarya
Best teammate: Reinhardt
Most satisfying kill: Tracer
Rating ★★★★★