June 14, 2012


Date played: June 13th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Holy shit, Vanquish is fucking crazy! This is like Gears of War on cocaine or something. While technically a third person cover based shooter, the speed at which everything moves makes things feel completely different, new and interesting. The game is set on a giant space colony that reminds me of the ship in Rama, the great book series. The graphics are just amazing, everything is flashy and moves at a solid frame rate.

The suit is AMAZING!
I played through the first act and a good chunk of the second. As far as I can tell, the game will be pretty short but that's ok because it's very intense. I killed some giant robots in slow motion. Lots of them. I also learned about the cool upgrading feature. Essentially, if you have full ammo for any weapon, if you pick up another of the same on the ground, the weapon gains a level, improving accuracy, firepower, spread or magazine size.

The weapons are varied but I think I found my sweet combination that includes the LMG, the shotgun and the sniper rifle. A weapon for every range basically. I can't wait to play more of it, it's just good old dumb fun. Oh yeah and the story involves space Russians or something.