June 26, 2012

Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

I blame this guy for the boring story
Date played: June 25th
Platform: 3DS
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

More strategy gaming goodness! I played through three missions in Chapter 6, set in Siberia. The first mission I failed horribly when I got ambushed by a tank who just hit a little too hard. I passed the mission easily the second time, focusing on my target and ignoring the other enemies a bit more. Then I destroyed a bunch of trucks on a road using only three ghosts.

I've found that my sniper has been becoming more and more useful all the time due to getting more powerful rifles. I love to stim pack him so that I can get two shots in during the same turn. The last mission I played was an assault then defend kind of scenario. At one point, there was an obscene amount of drones on the map, something like 9 or 10 or them. I managed to win but I had to use my air strike and sacrificed one of my drones.