June 4, 2012

Family fun time!

Date played: June 3rd
Platform: PS3, N64
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

This was a weird day for me as I ended up playing some games with my grandmother and one of my brothers. My grandmother is a gamer and has been since the Atari 2600. She has a Wii and doesn't really know what's out there. She asked me for some good games and since she loves platformers, I suggested Rayman Origins. Then she asked to see it so we played a level together. It was hard for her but she managed to make it to the end of the level. I also played a few levels with my brother.

Couch gaming is the best
Then, after my grandma left, my brother and I played some Bomberman 64 and Diddy Kong Racing. Bomberman 64 was fun but it is NOT classic Bomberman. The game is played in an open arena and the bombs don't explode vertically and horizontally anymore, they are a normal looking radius explosion. This changes the game quite a bit. Anyway, I suck at Bomberman and my bro won almost every round.

Diddy Kong Racing is still lots of fun but the music sucks and I only had four tracks unlocked so we had a limited experience.