June 10, 2012

Couch gaming spectaular

Date played: June 9th
Platform: PS3/SNES
Time played: 60 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

I played a few games on the couch with my good friend and one of my brothers. We started the evening with some old school Mortal Kombat on SNES. While still tons of fun, we ran into some technical issues... the game froze multiple times. Either way, I loved playing as Scorpion. I know he's the poster boy for Mortal Kombat and all but he really fits my playstyle compared to the others.

We also played a few races in Blur, getting our split screen on. My brother was a little drunk I think because he sucked and normally he holds his own. Me and my friend battled over the top positions with me coming out as the winner two times out of three.

Last but not least, we played a few matches of NHL 12. The first game was me and my bro against my friend. My friend DESTROYED us 7-1. After that, we played a game with all three of us on the same team against AI, using the Legends teams on both sides. Having Gretzky, Lemieux and Howe all on the ice at the same time is really cool. To spice things up, we set the game up so that we would always only control one position on the ice. I went with left D and enjoyed it quite a bit. It changes the way the game is played really since you have to stay in position, you can't just use a different player to pick up messes.