June 10, 2012


Date played: June 9th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 70 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

I completed the Black Throne dungeon by killing the last guardian and releasing Azrael, the Angel of Death. He guided me to Straga's lair deep in the dungeon. Straga is the big fucking demon from the opening of the game who destroyed Earth. The fight against Straga was kind of disappointing, it was too easy actually. I had to just a portal on the ground and another on the demon's weapon so that when he raises it to hit me, I jump in the portal and drop in on the dude's back so I can whack his weak spot.

After killing him, Azrael had to save my ass because the Black Throne was collapsing. He teleported me to a secret place, Eden, to gather information and power so that I could finally kill the Destroyer. I received the mask of shadows, an item that reveals secret items and pathways in the world. To prove my worth to the forces of Heaven, I had to fight myself, just like Link! The fight was pretty cool actually.

The tree of knowledge in Eden
Then I received visions from the giant tree in Eden telling me that Abaddon, one of the angels, was actually betrayed and used as a pawn to destroy the world. It's all a little crazy. Now I have to gather the pieces of the Armageddon blade as fortold by the visions. Backtracking time! I backtracked to two of the earlier sections and found two pieces. I also started using a FAQ to find the remaining pieces of Abyssal armor, the best armor in the game. I can smell the end of the game now.