April 26, 2012

Team Fortress 2

Date played: April 24th and 25th
Platform: PC
Time played: 210 minutes
Session fun rating: 9/10

Wow.... It's been a while since I've played this. Surprisingly, the game is still a lot of fucking fun, I thought the love story between me and TF2 had run it's course but it seems like we've rekindled our love. I played a few rounds on a random server, always as a heavy.

I did well considering I'm a bit rusty. There were a lot of changes to the game too like new game modes and a giant stable of items. So far, the items seem to be pretty balanced and seem to be more about fitting the player's play style than it is making you stronger. The items are essentially random drops. I got a new shotgun for the scout and a sandwich for the heavy. The only thing I miss is the music in the main menu which seems to be gone for some reason.

The next day, I played with my friend who plays pyro, demo and engineer. He was clearly better as a pyro and was a good fit with a heavy. I occasionally play as medic or scout but usually, I stick to the heavy, it feels a lot like a support type of class which is always the best for me. I played well, being defensive and covering my angles well. The heavy is super slow so position is extremely important for him. I think this game has dug it's claws into my back again and won't let go.