April 29, 2012

Just Cause 2

Date played: April 28th
Platform: PC
Time played: 20 minute
Session fun rating: 9/10

Jacking a helicopter mid flight is madness!
Again, messing around with my brothers, showing off the new PC and blowing shit up in Just Cause 2. We did everything from fighting a general and his minions, getting chased by their buddies, jumping from one of the cars to a helicopter in mid flight, beating the shit out of the pilot, shooting up a huge casino with said helicopter, base jumping off the casino into a waterfall, falling in the middle of the sea then high jacking a speed boat. We even managed to run the speed boat so fast that we were able to jump over a section of land that was at the very least 200 meters.

The point is, the game is fucking crazy, I just wish the missions had been more fun.