April 29, 2012


Date played: April 28th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 10/10

Oddly enough, this seems to be my favorite fighting game since Street Fighter IV. It's not just the beautiful animation, cool character design or weird style though, it's all about the actual fighting. Since we are far from being experts in the game, my brothers and I have a lot of fun beating the shit out of each other.

I stuck to Valentine and Double this time around, being pretty successful. I didn't always win but I definitely won more than the last time I played with these guys. We even did a mini tournament where each player had a chance to play two matches and whoever had more wins at the end would win or fight for a tie breaker.

My first match in the tourney was an epic, 5 minute two vs three epic struggle for survival. I basically made a big comeback and won that fight by a nose hair... It was intense! I ended up winning the contest but it was super close. I also tried a match online while I was waiting for someone and lost but managed to hold my own.