April 3, 2012

Mass Effect 3

Date played: April 2nd
Platform: Xbox 360
Time played: 150 minutes
Session fun rating: 8/10

Ok, Mass Effect 3 is starting to wrap up I think. Lots of spoilers coming up... I played through the mission on Thessia, the Asari homeworld which had data on how to build a crucial piece of the Crucible in a temple. My mission was to get there, get the data and get out. We managed to find a Prothean AI which had been the source of new technology for the Asari, it was the secret to their amazing biotic abilities also. We spoke with the AI but got interrupted just as we were about to get the data by Kai Leng, the fuck face assassin from Cerberus.

I fought with him a bit but he manged to escape with the data. This was one of the few times that Shepard has failed. It was hard on everyone in the crew, not to mention the millions of Asari lives lost. Determined to win this war, Shepard follows a thin lead provided by one of our crew members who managed to track Kai Leng's shuttle to planet Horizon, a refugee camp. I completed a few side quests and did some planet scanning before heading there.
The Fall of Thessia

When we got there though, it was clear that there was something messed up going on. There were Cerberus troops and Reaper husks dead all over the place. It seems that Cerberus was finally fighting the Reapers. After investigating the area, we found out that Cerberus was luring people to the planet by offering refuge and safety but then used those same people as test subjects. They were trying to figure out how to use Husks to their advantage and eventually use it against the Reapers themselves.

Miranda was also there with her sister and father. The father was the lead scientist on the project while her sister was just working there. Miranda betrayed Cerberus and killed her father after she found out what he had been doing. She died from her wounds shortly after but it gave us a lead on where to find the Illusive Man. Now, we have to take him out and get the data required to build to Crucible.

I have a feeling this is one of the last missions before taking on the Reapers head on...