April 30, 2012


Date played: April 29th
Platform: PS3
Time played: 120 minutes
Session fun rating: 7/10

SSX rocks!
For all intents and purposes, I finished SSX's story mode, or World Tour as they call it. I don't like this mode very much, it focuses too much on navigating the courses rather than doing crazy tricks and riding super fast. I finished the Alps, Africa and tackled New Zealand, the last area. New Zealand is fucking sick. It's full of gigantic jumps and crazy rails. It was easily the most fun in the World Tour. It also featured the best survival event, a whiteout. The boarder has to equip some pulse goggles which show a grid-like view of the mountain every few seconds to help navigate through the blizzard. It was actually pretty cool.

I then had a final event against Griff with wingsuits, armor and a headlamp. It was crazy, difficult and really cool. So the credits rolled and now I get to just play random drops and Global Events!