February 20, 2017

The Last Guardian

Date played: February 19th
Platform: PS4

This game has been a LONG time coming. Announced back in 2009, over 7 years ago, The Last Guardian is finally out. Japan Studio's last efforts were two of my favorite games of all time, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, so I have high expectations for this game.

My daughter was very interested in this game after I showed her the trailer a while back, so I waited for her to be free to start the game. It opens with a young boy who wakes up in some sort of big jail cell. Next to the boy is a large creature, chained to restrict it's movement. The creature itself is named Trico and is a super weird mix between a cat, a bird and maybe a dog? It also has small nubs on it's forehead that look like they might have been horns before. It also has wonderfully lush feathers and some of the coolest animation I've ever seen in a game.

They boy has empathy for the creature, or maybe it's pity. One of the first things I did was to remove a spear that was impaled in the creature's body. It cried in pain as I removed it and knocked the boy unconscious for a few minutes.

When the boy woke up, it became apparent that the creature was hungry, so I climbed around the environment and found some glowing barrels. I threw one within Trico's reach and it looked interested in it, but was looking at the boy with hesitation, almost like it wanted privacy to enjoy it's meal. I moved away and he ate the contents of the barrel right away.
Trico is adorable
I decided to try and free it from it's chains. Interestingly, the boy can climb the creature's body by grabbing onto it's feathers, a mechanic that is exactly like it was in the studio's last game, Shadow of the Colossus. Once I reached the head, I was able to free the beast from it's restraints.

It became clear that Trico was grateful for the help the boy had given him, as it followed him around and responds to the boy's calls. Together, we explored the "jail" and found a place where I could climb through a hole after being lifted up by Trico. This led to the discovery of a mysterious mirror. The boy can aim the mirror anywhere, then Trico will shoot big bolts of lightning at the area! We used this technique to blow up a wooden wall and make a path for both of us to get out of the area.

The next few scenes were all about navigating the dangerous ruins of the place as Trico followed me around. We braved the dangers of a steep cliff and found a way out of a deep pool of water together. Finally, we emerged from the enclosed spaces and went outside for the first time. Before us lies a giant tower, which appears to be the creature's nest or something, but it's still unclear. I have a feeling most of the game will be about reaching the summit of this mysterious construction.