February 14, 2017


Date played: February 13th
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night has me putting offensive pressure on the second point in Temple of Anubis as Zenyatta. It was a really good game for me, it's almost like the other team ignored me while I shot them in the head with my big metal balls. I ended up with a lot of kills and damage dealt while still healing quite a bit.

In this play of the game, I deal a bunch of damage to a Junkrat, a Mercy and a Mei that were just frozen by our Mei's Blizzard. Then, an enemy Reaper jumps in and uses his Death Blossom to kill me, but I counter with Transcendence, surviving the Reaper and healing our Soldier and Reinhardt. It feels good to get play of the game as Zenyatta, it doesn't happen very often for me.