February 22, 2017


Date played: February 21st
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night takes place on Hollywood defense during the second portion of the map. I play with my brother who is Soldier 76, while I try my hand at using Ana to heal. I'm still not super comfortable with Ana, but I'm definitely seeing big improvements, and I want to practice with her some more.

The play is kind of sloppy, but still, I felt like I did a decent job as Ana here. It begins as I retreat from an aggressive Zenyatta, shooting him a couple times in the process. Then I heal our D.Va as she attempts to deal with a Sombra. I follow her around a little, then give her a Nano-Boost Ultimate as she is coming out of the safe area. In the meantime, I shoot down a Zarya and a Pharah near the payload.

I then do some fast healing to keep our Hanzo alive as he battles a Reaper at close range. It went south after this though. My team was a bit too spread out, and we lost a couple of guys deep in enemy territory, so we lost the payload pretty quickly after that. I slowed down a Zarya by putting her to sleep just out of reach of the payload, but Zenyatta took me out shortly after. My brother gets taken out by the same Zenyatta a few seconds later...