February 16, 2017


Date played: February 15th
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night takes place on Hollywood as the attacking team. I used Reinhardt and at first, we had a bit of trouble pushing through the first chokepoint. Their Roadhog and Mercy combo was working well, and their Widow was a nuisance.

I managed to maintain a good push where I dueled a Winston, killed him, then used my Ultimate to stun Roadhog and Mercy on the point. I killed the Roadhog, but he was revived by Mercy. She was killed by our Reaper, who then helped me kill the Roadhog once more. I also took out a Genji on the point before finally capturing it. As Reinhardt, I am good at putting pressure on the other team, so I kept it up by charging into a Mei and pinning her, then killed McCree with my hammer, Earthshattered a Mercy, killed her, then took out a nearby Widowmaker.

I continued pressuring the enemy team as my team moved the payload, being very aggressive, yet retreating when I needed healing or my shield was low. I made a couple mistakes just before reaching the checkpoint and died, but it was a really good run. We won that match too.