February 23, 2017


Date played: February 22nd
Platform: PS4

Today's play of the night has me defending the payload on Dorado as Soldier 76. It's super rare that I play Soldier, in fact, I kind of never play him. However, there was an enemy Pharah that was doing very well and we had no one that could take her out with ease. I tried using McCree for one round, but my aim was shit, so I switched to Soldier.

To my surprise, it went really well, even though I am not used to him at all. The thing with Soldier is that he's got way more range than you might expect, so he can sit back a bit and take potshots at heroes that are already engaged in combat.

In this play, I battle with Pharah and Sombra a few times, keep a Mei at bay and fuck with Zenyatta and Ana from range. I skirmish with a Zarya and Genji also, but nothing much comes of it.