February 14, 2017

Rocket League

Date played: February 13th
Platform: PS4

I felt like playing a little bit of Rocket League last night. I wanted to play with a friend, but she never joined, so I played a few matches by myself. I've bought a bunch of new cars, so I tried out one of them, the Masamune. It's a really slick car and it gives off a vibe similar to my favorite car, Takumi.
I love the Masamune
In the 3 or 4 matches that I played, I did pretty well. I seem to be matched up with players with less skill than when I was playing heavily. There's not a lot of aerial play and people miss the ball a lot, so while I'm still not amazing, I am definitely pulling off more complex moves than most of the other players right now. I got MVP a couple times, scored a few sick goals and really enjoyed my new car!